Work with Us

Our work is about collaboration to increase understanding and participation in the policies, processes, and systems that make up our city.

Community Education

We work with community organizers and advocates to increase understanding about public policies, services, and systems.

Hire CUP to create a project

Apply for a free project

Translate or reprint a CUP project

Buy CUP's existing projects

Youth Education

We partner with public high schools to create in-class and after school arts-based civic education programs.

Create an in-class program

Create an after school program

Hire CUP to support your class curriculum

Fellowships and Trainings

We support designers, artists, and civic workers to develop their community-engaged design practices.

Design Justice as Practice

Design for Civic Change

Fellowship for Change in Design

Hire CUP to support your design practice

Envisioning Development

We sell toolkits and facilitate workshops about land use processes to support more equitable participation in neighborhood changes.

What is Zoning?

What is ULURP?

What is Affordable Housing?

Everything Else

Volunteer with our team or invite CUP to feature or talk about our work.


Invite CUP to Talk

Invite CUP to Exhibit Work